Since you are here, we are assuming that you are quite enthusiastic about going on a white water rafting trip. But at the same time, maybe you are finding it hard to convince your parents, partner or even yourself to get into the real action.

Let’s be honest! No matter how cool and aesthetic it looks in videos and pictures, reality hits hard as soon as you start rafting. It is, therefore, necessary to prepare your mind completely and have proper knowledge about white water rafting before you enroll for such trips.

If you really wish to know whether or not white water rafting is safe, keep reading! We have shared everything that you must know before jumping into action.

What is White Water Rafting?

Let’s first clear the confusion about the term “White Water” rafting. Basically, it is the same as river rafting. Water gets frothy because of the rapid speed and turbulence and looks white in appearance. And that’s why it is called white water rafting.

It is one of the most popular adventure sports around the globe. If you wish to experience rafting at its ultimate best, then you must plan a trip to Croatia.

Is it Safe to Participate in White Water Rafting?

The answer is simple- No rafting is NOT safe! But then commuting to your workplace every day and driving on the road along with thousands of other cars and pedestrians is also not safe, right? 

If you stop doing everything that is unsafe for you or your family, then you would have to simply stop living.

It is important to understand that white water rafting is an adventure activity, and participating in it will bring some priceless memories. If you follow the safety instructions and prepare yourself rightly, then the chances of any mishap go down drastically. 

Here’s what you should know before going for white water rafting!

Knowing how to swim can save you from drowning!

The biggest risk ever involved in white water rafting is drowning in water. Of course, you will be wearing life jackets. But it may not be enough to keep you afloat against the strong force of water. And that’s why you must know how to swim in extreme conditions. This life skill will save you in case anything goes wrong during your white water rafting tour.

Watch out for boulders and rocks!

The second biggest threat during river rafting is smashing your boat into a huge boulder or rock. Because of the strong flow of water, you may find it hard to maintain your balance and stability in the boat. And the raft can bang against the rocks, resulting in severe injuries.

It is therefore advisable that first, you train yourself for rafting. Experience the difficulties first-hand during your training sessions and then decide whether or not you wish to participate in this adrenaline-pumping adventure sport.

Staying fit is almost mandatory!

White water rafting requires you to be highly energetic and agile. If you are a laidback, lazy and overweight kind of person, then you should refrain from participating in rafting activities.

Otherwise, over-exertion may cause physical injuries or fatal conditions such as cardiac arrest. If you are too keen to enjoy this adventure activity, first you should get physically active and improve your stamina and flexibility.

You may get stuck in river features!

Apart from the rocks and boulders, you will have to face the risk of getting stuck in several river features, such as holes, downed trees, etc. You and your team will have to be skilled enough to paddle your rafter away from such river features.

Choosing a licensed and certified rafting guide is the key

Always go for rafting under the guidance of an experienced, certified and licensed rafting operator such as Malduk Adventures. Our priority is to keep you safe and help you enjoy this adventure sport to the core. From providing protective wear to guiding you throughout the rafting session, we stand by your side always.

Consider your PFD as the Holy Grail

Never opt for rafting without putting on your life jacket. Also, know exactly how to use this personal floating device. You must wear it correctly and clip on all the buckles. The jacket should not be loose and should snuggle around your body. You can take the help of your rafting guide to tie your life jacket securely.

Knowing the commands can keep you safe

A professional rafting guide will always prep you with safety talks just before the actual rafting starts. You should listen to all his words carefully. Be mindful of the commands, and if anything is not clear to you, do not hesitate to ask. Remember that in times of crisis, these commands will keep you safe.

Rafting is not meant for everyone

Lastly, you must understand that whitewater rafting is not for everyone. Pregnant women, infants, toddlers and elderly people should never try river rafting. As per the rafting experts, the ideal age to enjoy rafting is between 14 to 60 years.

Wrapping Up!

Now that you know the safety concerns associated with white water rafting, prepare yourself accordingly, and get ready for one of the most spectacular experiences in your life. Also, if you are in Croatia, feel free to reach out to us at Malduk Adventures to enjoy a safe and adventurous white water rafting session.

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